The 3rd AUCFA Conference and Workshop
The 1st AUCFA Student Seminar and competition
Theme: “Strengthen AUCFA Partnership and Collaborative Activities toward ASEAN Community 2015”
1. Rationale/Background
ASEAN Universities Consortium on Food and Agro-based Engineering & Technology [AUCFA] is a consortium established on the basis of common needs in Southeast Asia and the surrounding region to anticipate the globalization of higher education in Food and Agro-based Engineering and Technology. The consortium was established on October 28, 2012 in Bogor, so that is also known as the Bogor Declaration.
To accommodates various activities that are beneficial to the members, the AUCFA was established with the aims to: (a) create mutual understanding and communication network among members, (b) develop and promote research collaboration and respective international scientific publications, (c) to promote and support students and staffs mobility/exchange among the members, (d) harmonize the higher education system in the related field in the region, and (e) establish regional standard and pursue global standard for the education & research in the region.
To realize the objectives and to develop and implement the programs, the AUCFA conducts annual meeting and workshop. The 1stmeeting was the initial and declaration meeting that has been held in Bogor in 2012 participated by 13 delegates of universities from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. And the 2nd have been conducted in Bangkok in 2013 participated by 29 delegates (including 15 new members) of universities from the region.
Thus, the 3rd meeting and workshop will be held in Bogor. In this moment, it also will be held the1st International ASEAN Student Seminar on Food and Agro-based Engineering and Technology. This meeting is dedicated for undergaduate/graduated students in Asian countries and especially students of AUCFA member. This Seminar will be organized by Students from the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Bogor, Indonesia under the supervision of AUCFA’s steering committee.
2. Objectives
As the AUCFA has been established for 2 years, this conference and workshop has the objectives as follows:
- Sharing and updating information among AUCFA members,
- Strengthening the academic partnership among AUCFA members.
- Reviews and further plans for the AUCFA activities.
- Registration of new members of AUCFA.
- Electing New President and Vice-president of AUCFA.
On the other hand, the main objective of this AUCFA students’ seminar is to provide an opportunity to learn about and inspired by a wide range of Food and Agro-based Engineering and Technology topics, while improving discussion skills of students. The most important thing is to break through our intellectual, cultural, and language barriers, making scientific friendships and connections around AUCFA members. In detail, this seminar has the objectives as follows:
- Strengthening the academic partnership between AUCFA student.
- Intensifying sharing and discussion on research and academic activities among AUCFA student.
- Providing new ideas for developing the future of AUCFA student association.
3. Activities
3.1. The 3rd AUCFA Conference and Workshop
The conference will bring great benefit to harmonize education system and to pursue the global standard for education for all members. Thus, it should give positive impact on the future of ASEAN Economic Community.
3.1.1. Key Note Speakers
- Minister of Education and Cultures, Republic of Indonesia
- Secretariat ASEAN : “ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), opportunities to higher education in ASEAN”.
- AUCFA representative: Developing Food and Agro-based Engineering and Technology in ASEAN universities.
- Attaché of Japan embassy: Cooperation between ASEAN Economic Community and Japan with the emphasize on Higher Education Development.
- SEAMEO representative: ASEAN development.
- EURO representative: Educational consortium opportunities between ASEAN and EU.
The AUCFA workshop will be focused on strengthening the academic partnership among AUCFA members, reviews and further plans for the AUCFA activities, registration of new members, and electing New President and Vice-president of AUCFA.
3.1.2. Participants
The participants are estimated about 50 invited delegates of AUCFA members/non member from ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao and Myanmar), as well as observers from Japan and EU.
3.2. The 1st AUCFA Student Seminar and Competition
3.2.1. Activities
For the first time, this year, the seminar will be focused on the discussion of establishing the AUCFA student association. However, the competition will be based on student’s thesis/field work which produce an innovative idea or product. There are three (3) main topics i.e (i) Agricultural Engineering : on-Farm Green Technology by means engineering and application of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies for the production and handling of agricultural products; (ii) Food Technology: Food product innovation based on local sources and (iii) Agroindustry: Innovation on agro processing and handling including process and bioprocess, engineering and management as well as environmental engineering and management.
The competition is open to all current undergraduate students throughout AUCFA members. The paper can be submitted by an individual, a group of students, or even a student organization. Papers submitted will be reviewed and then the selected paper will be invited to present their paper in this event.
4. Time and Venue
The AUCFA conference, workshop and seminar will be held on October 15-17, 2014 at IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Jalan Raya Pajajaran Bogor, Indonesia.
5. Organizing Committee
This event is organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, IPB, and the committees are as follow:
Dr. Sam Herodian (Dean, President of AUCFA)
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono (Vice Dean, General Secretary of AUCFA)
Dr. M. Faiz Syuaib (Organizing Committee)
Dr. Endang Warsiki (Organizing Committee)
Dr. Nugraha Edhi Suyatma (Organizing Committee)
Dr. Ir. Fahim M. Taqi (Organizing Committee)
Mr. Andik Pribadi (Organizing Committee)
Ms. Iin Yusliana (Organizing Committee)
For further information regarding this international seminar please visit: